Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Comic Corner: Age of X miniseries

There's something about alternate-universe comic books.

Whether it's simply a sense of "through the looking glass" or some deep desire to savor the twisted perversions of what classic comic book characters can become, i will always read through, and have now often found myself dropping money on, the intricate and unique beauty of a Parallel Reality.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. whether we're talking more classic examples of "Star Trek" or simply a bold, brave new step in storytelling, the writers who dare to dream differently have always gotten a little more respect from me for trying something new.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Movie Musing Sucker Punch

Of all the Zach Snyder films I’ve seen to date, I think Sucker Punch ranks in the top slot.
One must assume going in, however, that the plot will be thin or convoluted, the beauties be scantily clad, the visuals stunning, and the ending scene bordering on unbearably preachy; And as always these things hold true to some degree. “Watchmen” did it with about 85 % faithful respect to the original text, and “300” was a very pretty animating of Frank Miller’s bloody take on the greek history. But those films, to me, were lessened in quality by Snyder’s attempts to put his own stamp on someone else’s story.